أولويات المدرسة
The quality of education - School Development Journey strategic objectives
To ensure consistency in Q of E: implementation through the clear application of lesson routines for start and ends of lesson, equipment, rewards, presentation,
To ensure high quality in Q of E: Implementation by teacher consistent & clear presentation of subject matter, checking pupils’ understanding systematically, identify misconceptions accurately and provide clear, direct feedback both in the lesson and after summative assessments.
To ensure assessment is fit for purpose, used strategically and effectively to inform feedback & subsequent teaching and managed effectively to support work-life balance
To employ effective Literacy strategies within subjects to support fluent reading and spelling to impact positively on subject outcomes
MTP deliver a consistent logically structured, well planned and coherent curriculum for all learners especially HA, SEND and disadvantaged enabling all learners to make positive progress
To improve outcomes in attainment
Behaviour and attitudes - School Development Journey strategic objectives
To develop and consistently apply strong practices for targeted group attendance, whilst maintaining effective attendance strategies currently used for all learners
To more effectively manage behaviour at classroom level by directorate, supporting individuals to develop consistent behaviour management practices for all learners, to reduce suspensions especially for those repeat offenders
To strengthen pupil agency and use feedback to improve pupil attitudes to and pride in, their school.
Personal development - School Development Journey strategic objectives
To increase the extra-curricular range of activities beyond PE and Music open to students at lunch/after school
To continue to develop a high quality offer for the personal development programme
Discussion and debate is actively taught Assembly holding slides are used to remind students of key information - healthy eating, healthy relationships, reporting incidents,
To develop Character Education explicitly in the teaching of resilience, empathy and employability and the provision of opportunities to practise them in context.
Leadership and Management - School Development Journey strategic objectives
To ensure more consistent and effective middle leadership
To develop capacity of senior and middle leaders to use assessment data more effectively to positively impact outcomes
To ensure staff voice is regularly sought, reviewed and responded to by senior leaders for their staff
To eradicate gaps in attainment >5% and progress >.2 across all subjects for disadvantaged pupils